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丁瀚恒 William Ting

丁瀚恒早年畢業於香港浸會大學,其後在英國倫敦大學Royal Holloway取得音樂碩士學位。在英期間,丁氏師承多位蕭邦學者,並曾主持音樂講座及出席多個學術會議,其有關蕭邦奏鳴曲的論文於去年的英國皇家音樂協會年度研究生議會上首度發表。回港後,丁氏積極參與教學活動,去年曾主持一連三場《音樂與哲學講座系列》。作為樂評人,他的文章散見於多份藝術刊物及報章,包括 Artplus、藝Po、主場新聞、《藝評》及《經濟日報》等。丁瀚恒現為國際演藝評論家協會(香港分會)永久會員。


Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University and received his Master Degree in Historical Musicology from Royal Holloway University of London, William Ting is a music critic in Hong Kong.  His writings are widely published on art magazines and newspapers, such as Artisism, ArtPlus, Critispo, Housenews, Hong Kong Economic Times, among others.  As a musicologist, Ting has conducted public lectures and participated in music conferences both in Hong Kong and England.  His thesis on the topic of Chopin Sonata was presented at the 2013 Royal Musical Association Annual Postgraduate Conference in England, and at the same year, he conducted a lecture series titled Music and Philosophy in Hong Kong.  William Ting is a Life Member of International Association of Theatre Critics (Hong Kong). 







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